London Business School
Masters Degree
Next Deadline: coincides with admission
Study in: London, UK
Brief description:
The Mo Ibrahim Foundation Scholarship for Africa supports outstanding students on the full-time MBA programme at London Business School.
Host Institution(s):
London Business School
Field of study:
Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Number of Awards:
Target group:
Nationals of Sub-Saharan Africa
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full fees
The scholarship is open to all successful MBA applicants who are nationals of sub-Saharan Africa. Recipients of the award are expected to contribute to the School’s marketing efforts in the region.
Application instructions:
Candidates who apply in Stages 1, 2 or 3 and receive an offer for the class of MBA will be automatically considered for this award. It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website:
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