MS/PhD Degrees
Deadline: January
Study in: Spain
Brief description:
The scholarships are implemented by MAEC-AECI for Foreigners pursuing Masteral and Doctoral Studies (both under the plan as old as the European Higher Education Area) and Research in Spanish universities and their affiliated centers and other agencies.
Host Institution(s):
Spanish Universities, Research Centers and Academic institutions
Field of study:
Not specified.
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
Foreign Nationals/International Students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Masteral Studies
• For studies in the municipality of Madrid and the whole academic year, 600 per month, plus board and lodging in one of two residence halls Foundation Halls MAEC-AECI (CM CM Africa and Guadeloupe), valued at 945 euros monthly charge of the AECI.
• For studies outside the municipality of Madrid, or in case of exhaustion of the previous mode, 1,200 euros per month.
• Tuition support of up to 2,000 euros.
Doctoral Studies
• For studies in the municipality of Madrid and the whole academic year, 600 euros per month, plus board and lodging in one of two residence halls Foundation Halls MAEC-AECI (CM CM Africa and Guadeloupe), valued at 945 euros per month, by the AECI.
• For studies outside the municipality of Madrid, or in case of exhaustion of the previous mode, 1,200 euros per month.
• Tuition support of 2,000 euros or academic supervision up to 150 euros if required by the studies for which the grant is given.
General Requirements
1. Having the nationality of their country of origin and have no residence in Spain. Except the applicants who have the refugee status granted by the Kingdom of Spain, under Law 5 / 1984 of 26 March, regulating the Right of Asylum and Refugee Status, as amended by Law 9 / 1994 May 19.
2. Applicants with dual citizenship must choose which nationality they wish to complete the scholarship application form and therefore provide identification data for the same. The required conditions and scholarship programs that can be chosen to be on those relating to nationality in formalizing the request.
3. Application of one scholarship per person per call.
4. There have been a beneficiary of any program of the Call for MAEC-AECI, six or more months, or the Carolina Foundation, in the last three years.
5. Possession of national passport valid for at least six months at the time of entering the study center destination.
6. Possess the necessary qualifications legally required to take the course you selected at the time of applying for scholarship.
7. Make suitable arrangements for the timely recognition to the corresponding educational authorities, where this is required for course of studies chosen.
8. Not having passed, preferably 35 years of age at the period end date of the grant application.
9. For citizens of countries whose official language is Spanish, prove sufficient knowledge of the Spanish language.
10. Not be subject to any of the prohibitions contained in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General Grant ( “BOE” 18 “) contained in Annex II to this call, with the exception of paragraph f ) as stated in Article 3. Number of the said Order of bases of 11 April 2005, which governs this call.
11. Indicate a permanent email address, personal and not transferable for notification purposes.
12. While processing the application for the grant, the request for preadmission destination center studies shall be performed in accordance with the requirements prescribed therein, the grant of that allowance being subject to final acceptance for admission by the center under the conditions that determine the same.
13. Fill in good and due form, entirely in Spanish, the matching grant application form.
14. Meet the specific requirements indicated profile of applicants for each scholarship programs, organized into different chapters depending on the source of potential beneficiaries (see Annex I).
Specific Requirements for Masteral Studies
• A university degree, preferably three years before the time of entering the study center destination, with career prospect for further endorsed teaching or research at universities or their country of origin upon return.
• Pre-admitted to a University/Academic Institution/Research Center.
Specific Requirements for Doctoral Studies
• Own Official Masters degree or equivalent qualification.
• Being admitted to a research center, and assigned to a group of himself and a tutor of the trainee.
Application instructions:
The new grant applications must be completed properly and entirely in Spanish by the petitioners in the relevant online form found at the official website. It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website:
Related Link: List of Government Scholarships